Let 2014 be awesome! A little message to all my friends and readers! Also my 100 best followers on twitter this last year... Hit that follow button! :)
(Give A Book) LOVE MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING: By, Author Marta Morgan Bishop.
Thank you, Marta :)
It's this time of year when I do reflect a lot on my past and memories that I do treasure dearly and hold deep inside. I know it is my past that has lead me here today talking to many amazing people. I have made many wonderful friends and also lost a few who at the time I thought were really close mates, but it is true what they say, you do learn who your real friends are as time goes by, one of life little lessons to us all!
I know last year was not the best year for me, I had so many problems that I was going through, but yet I was still maintaining a smile to the outside world, but yet crying on the inside with stress and worry that was going on. It really was my true friends that held me together as other so called friends were trying to pull me apart.
Over the years I have seen people come and go in my life, but one thing is for sure, the close friends I do treasure, I do hold on to them with both arms, to me they are going nowhere. I would like to thank my dear friends for listening to me go on about my troubles, the friends that turned to me and said, "Kev you have everything going for you, It may not seem it now, but you have!"
I Kept hearing these words from many of my friends, not to mention from all my readers with their response to my writing. You may not all realise this, but you really did pick a guy up when he needed it. Its friends like you that give the true value and meaning of the word friendship, and for that alone I am truly thankful for.
I do also reflect back to when I first started writing and people thought, 'Kev writes!' and to tell you the truth I would have thought the same if I asked myself that back then! The only things I was used to writing was invoices and estimates, writing was a fear of mine from an early age, until one day, 'Bam!' the heart took over and not before long, writing became a passion and was no longer a fear, people’s opinions and self centered criticism, never bothered me when it came to my writing, for me a new gift was born, a talent I never knew I had.
I started to believe in myself a lot more, facing all obstacles or challenges that life was throwing my way! I was warned by the doubters that writing was never going to be easy and for me to stick my day job decorating. Hello life isn't easy and when you find a passion for something, you don't try and get that person to stop, you encourage them to move forward with their passion, nobody has the right to stomp on anyone's dreams, if you can't be happy for that person, then you really shouldn't be in their life holding them back, there is a world out there that gives people the drive to move forward, but in order to do that, you have to believe in yourself, do what your heart is telling you to do, and shut out all that negativity for 2014. It really does work ;)!

I will always remember my first encounter with the wonderful author, @ChartyParkerso on twitter when I first started writing, we started chatting with some silly conversation as we writers do from time to time, but really, Charity spotted a talent and guided me the best she could, she believed in me and helped me publish my first book. I was over the moon that such an author would take interest in me and my writing, I couldn't believe it! Charity proofread my first book, and I was totally blown away with the review I received for, Louie Has Landed 'The Early Days'. Thank you, Charity, for believing in me at a time that I needed to be heard. You are awesome :)
Amazon: US Reviews > http://amzn.to/1cWkeDi
Goodreads: Reviews > http://bit.ly/1g16S79
Rhyme time I think...
Now that another year gone, time does fly even when sometimes you're not having fun, but look around at the things you've got, and realise the things that are not, place them in order to start up the year, tick your list with the season’s cheer, welcome the present and wipe out the past, but no matter what good friends will last, so now forget that past.
I know 2013 has been pretty mean, but have stayed on my path to face my dream, that dream will come, that you will see, that's the day I say to all my friends, thank you for putting your faith in me!
We sail fast and we sail clear, with no distractions to start out the year, may all your dreams and wishes come true, and 2014 be the year for you, but as I look back at a year that has come to an end, one thing I'm thankful for, is you my dear friends...
“My situation, well I am 39, I have never been married and I have no children.”
Goodreads: Reviews > http://bit.ly/1an87cK
I would like to wish you all, Happy New Year, and just remember, whatever happens in life, it's you that has the key to turn things around. Never give up on a dream without even trying first, but always remember to shake that negativity off and make 2014 the best year ever :)!!
I will leave you with my top 100 twitter friends, and awesome followers. I must say each one of them are well worth checking out :)
@hellegade @Pie0326Edie @Lahongrais @UKProgressive @Torrenstp @24GhostTales
@BookViewTV @Dearharts @KarlFfrench @ThitiaOfficial @diskdrive @McSwainandBeck
@ReginaPucket @galeminchew @IceLindaGunn @ShannonAlton @CarlyleL @JustinBog @MG_WELLS @GinaZavalis @CharityParkerso @FelixNater @seumasgallacher @VickieMcKeehan @KIMPITBULL123
@JeanBrown2011 @eBookBuilders @NatDTam @dagonsblood @gillybrody @DamiraMaricic @treequeen @IceLindaGunn @benditty @DionneLister @KellyR71 @OMG_Jessica_G @CarlyleL @great_one04 @staury88 @K_Einsel @RichWeatherly43 @G_Dolman @BWitzenhausen
@wanderingstarz1 @DonnaLSadd @VanyaWriter @JennyBurnley1 @K_Einsel @justcoachit @Annie_Acorn @author_jeff @GregParkerson
@KateSpencer2go @emailmanROCKS @TheRedheadRiter @Lauralynnpoetry @JamesAJJackson
@ritamills @deverouxcleary @melissaKCraig
@AnneShirley8 @SpitToonsSaloon @minamaya13 @Gary_C_King @CaroGvS @georg_grey
@ScarlettFlame2 @LillithKain @AdamKellyMorton @JennyBurnley1
@SMMaestro @CircusBootCamp @QueenD007 @brchitwood
@RooferXX @AmberNorrgard @AndrewHarding4 @Stiggyblack @JayneLogan_Mxxx @asastikar @LydiaAswolf @ConlanDiana @wordcaper @InnerBonding @mpax1 @LydiaAswolf @sully1901 @wdhicks @VanyaWriter @Susanjeanricci @ConlanDiana @KateStead_ @Upward_Onward_ @MartinSkate9 @StaceyTreadwell @ckRaggio @GStarkeyBooks @LornaSuzuki @JonathanGunson @HoyleRick
Thank you, Marta :)
It's this time of year when I do reflect a lot on my past and memories that I do treasure dearly and hold deep inside. I know it is my past that has lead me here today talking to many amazing people. I have made many wonderful friends and also lost a few who at the time I thought were really close mates, but it is true what they say, you do learn who your real friends are as time goes by, one of life little lessons to us all!
I know last year was not the best year for me, I had so many problems that I was going through, but yet I was still maintaining a smile to the outside world, but yet crying on the inside with stress and worry that was going on. It really was my true friends that held me together as other so called friends were trying to pull me apart.
Over the years I have seen people come and go in my life, but one thing is for sure, the close friends I do treasure, I do hold on to them with both arms, to me they are going nowhere. I would like to thank my dear friends for listening to me go on about my troubles, the friends that turned to me and said, "Kev you have everything going for you, It may not seem it now, but you have!"
I Kept hearing these words from many of my friends, not to mention from all my readers with their response to my writing. You may not all realise this, but you really did pick a guy up when he needed it. Its friends like you that give the true value and meaning of the word friendship, and for that alone I am truly thankful for.
I do also reflect back to when I first started writing and people thought, 'Kev writes!' and to tell you the truth I would have thought the same if I asked myself that back then! The only things I was used to writing was invoices and estimates, writing was a fear of mine from an early age, until one day, 'Bam!' the heart took over and not before long, writing became a passion and was no longer a fear, people’s opinions and self centered criticism, never bothered me when it came to my writing, for me a new gift was born, a talent I never knew I had.
I started to believe in myself a lot more, facing all obstacles or challenges that life was throwing my way! I was warned by the doubters that writing was never going to be easy and for me to stick my day job decorating. Hello life isn't easy and when you find a passion for something, you don't try and get that person to stop, you encourage them to move forward with their passion, nobody has the right to stomp on anyone's dreams, if you can't be happy for that person, then you really shouldn't be in their life holding them back, there is a world out there that gives people the drive to move forward, but in order to do that, you have to believe in yourself, do what your heart is telling you to do, and shut out all that negativity for 2014. It really does work ;)!

I will always remember my first encounter with the wonderful author, @ChartyParkerso on twitter when I first started writing, we started chatting with some silly conversation as we writers do from time to time, but really, Charity spotted a talent and guided me the best she could, she believed in me and helped me publish my first book. I was over the moon that such an author would take interest in me and my writing, I couldn't believe it! Charity proofread my first book, and I was totally blown away with the review I received for, Louie Has Landed 'The Early Days'. Thank you, Charity, for believing in me at a time that I needed to be heard. You are awesome :)
Amazon: US Reviews > http://amzn.to/1cWkeDi
Amazon: UK Reviews > http://amzn.to/JIM3lx
Goodreads: Reviews >http://bit.ly/19ZYYdD
Not so long after I self published Louie Has Landed 'The Second Encounter'.
Not so long after I self published Louie Has Landed 'The Second Encounter'.
Amazon: US Reviews > http://amzn.to/19I8Mp3
Rhyme time I think...
Now that another year gone, time does fly even when sometimes you're not having fun, but look around at the things you've got, and realise the things that are not, place them in order to start up the year, tick your list with the season’s cheer, welcome the present and wipe out the past, but no matter what good friends will last, so now forget that past.
I know 2013 has been pretty mean, but have stayed on my path to face my dream, that dream will come, that you will see, that's the day I say to all my friends, thank you for putting your faith in me!
Friends will be there no matter what, even if the
vultures will never stop, but that to me that just gives my boat a little extra
rock, but be warned my friends that sailing with me, this little boat won't
stop as you can see.
We sail fast and we sail clear, with no distractions to start out the year, may all your dreams and wishes come true, and 2014 be the year for you, but as I look back at a year that has come to an end, one thing I'm thankful for, is you my dear friends...
Sorry that was me reflecting back at some of my moments from last year on
Facebook, you can also look at my top 20 biggest moments on there too. I didn't
know this until the other day, but thank you Facebook, its pretty cool :)
One of my highlights of the year for me has been my
blog tour, and we all know my tour was very different indeed! I had some great fun working with fantastic authors.
I did take author interviews to another level, not
realising that it would be such a great success with the readers.
The idea behind my interviews was my dialogue in my novel, Passion. That story I concentrated on the dialogue to try and make it into a script, still maintaining the story! I'm no script writer, but yet the dialogue is something I am awesome at, as well as telling a great story of course! Thank you to everyone for pointing that out to me :)
The idea behind my interviews was my dialogue in my novel, Passion. That story I concentrated on the dialogue to try and make it into a script, still maintaining the story! I'm no script writer, but yet the dialogue is something I am awesome at, as well as telling a great story of course! Thank you to everyone for pointing that out to me :)
(How my idea came about my tour)
A little bit of chapter one to show you what I mean:
I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Mark and I am in my
30's. I'm single, but that is by choice, I do have personal
reasons for that, but this one night I arranged to go out with my mate, and
when the evening came around, I knew as soon as the phone went down he would be
a long time and I was right. Harry turned up at 10:15pm and once at the club
that’s when my night began. She was stunning to watch, with a body to die for. Nice short tight dress,
lovely legs and a bum you would love to sit on your face 24/7! She had long
blonde hair, and very pretty! This woman looked like an angel, and all I could
think was whoever has her, is a very lucky
Don’t get me wrong, I didn't just stand there all night
looking at this dream woman. Harry knew a few people in the club and so
did I. It was impossible, but I couldn't help but look for her every
now and again; when I did I was lost in space hoping that this beauty
queen wouldn't catch me looking! My God, she has and
is now looking right at me and smiling! I smiled back and
watched as she began to walk over in my direction and then stood there right in
front of me. The first time ever I have been stuck for words.
“Hello, I'm Sarah. I couldn't help but see you
looking at me.”
I replied, “Hi Sarah, I'm Mark, sorry I thought I knew
“Really? Where from?”
“Well that’s just it, I thought you were someone I knew from college,
but you’re not.”
“I'm sorry to have disappointed you.”
“You never disappointed me. You are a lot better looking.”
“Thank you, that’s nice of you to say; so who are you here with?”
“I am with my mate, Harry, who’s just standing there chatting! Is that
your boyfriend over there?”
Sarah turned her head looking at her friends and said, “No, they are all
my friends from work, who I am out with. I haven’t seen you in here before. Do
you come here much?”
“Now and again yes, but I haven’t seen you in here either. So, what’s
your situation and how come you’re in here?”
“My situation, well I am 39, I have never been married and I have no children.”
“You are joking there, right?”
“In what way?”
“Never been married or had any children; you are beautiful and I can’t
see that happening.”
“Your sweet Mark, but I am telling you the truth, I have never been
married. I have never met the right guy, I seem to meet guys that turn out
badly! Anyway, what about you, Mark, what’s your story?”
“My story, ha-ha, it’s a long one!”
“Well, I am listening, ha-ha.”
"Trust me it's all in here!"
Passion, is one true story of #Love and deception like no other I have ever encountered, but beyond all that, it's a story of a young man trying to be heard and to find his way in life, he takes you on a journey back in his life that first put him on the path to becoming an author, he has opened his heart up to the world, why would a guy do that? My passion! Yes, that young man is me back then :) One Fantastic story that had to be told...
Amazon: US Reviews > http://amzn.to/KisaTD
I would like to wish you all, Happy New Year, and just remember, whatever happens in life, it's you that has the key to turn things around. Never give up on a dream without even trying first, but always remember to shake that negativity off and make 2014 the best year ever :)!!
I will leave you with my top 100 twitter friends, and awesome followers. I must say each one of them are well worth checking out :)
@hellegade @Pie0326Edie @Lahongrais @UKProgressive @Torrenstp @24GhostTales
@BookViewTV @Dearharts @KarlFfrench @ThitiaOfficial @diskdrive @McSwainandBeck
@ReginaPucket @galeminchew @IceLindaGunn @ShannonAlton @CarlyleL @JustinBog @MG_WELLS @GinaZavalis @CharityParkerso @FelixNater @seumasgallacher @VickieMcKeehan @KIMPITBULL123
@JeanBrown2011 @eBookBuilders @NatDTam @dagonsblood @gillybrody @DamiraMaricic @treequeen @IceLindaGunn @benditty @DionneLister @KellyR71 @OMG_Jessica_G @CarlyleL @great_one04 @staury88 @K_Einsel @RichWeatherly43 @G_Dolman @BWitzenhausen
@wanderingstarz1 @DonnaLSadd @VanyaWriter @JennyBurnley1 @K_Einsel @justcoachit @Annie_Acorn @author_jeff @GregParkerson
@KateSpencer2go @emailmanROCKS @TheRedheadRiter @Lauralynnpoetry @JamesAJJackson
@ritamills @deverouxcleary @melissaKCraig
@AnneShirley8 @SpitToonsSaloon @minamaya13 @Gary_C_King @CaroGvS @georg_grey
@ScarlettFlame2 @LillithKain @AdamKellyMorton @JennyBurnley1
@SMMaestro @CircusBootCamp @QueenD007 @brchitwood
@RooferXX @AmberNorrgard @AndrewHarding4 @Stiggyblack @JayneLogan_Mxxx @asastikar @LydiaAswolf @ConlanDiana @wordcaper @InnerBonding @mpax1 @LydiaAswolf @sully1901 @wdhicks @VanyaWriter @Susanjeanricci @ConlanDiana @KateStead_ @Upward_Onward_ @MartinSkate9 @StaceyTreadwell @ckRaggio @GStarkeyBooks @LornaSuzuki @JonathanGunson @HoyleRick
Awe! Thank you my friend! This was a sweet and truthful post. I'm so very happy and lucky to know you! Keep being you my friend, cause u are beautiful inside and out ❤️����
ReplyDeleteAwww thank you so much, Kim :-D!! I assure you that I will keep on being me, and my true friends are going nowhere... It is going to be a bumpy ride mind you, so hang on in there ;)Xx
DeleteWhat Kim said, cause she said it beautifully! You are talented, caring, funny and awesome! Don't let anyone tell you differently! Big Danish hugs <3 xx
ReplyDeleteYou both rock, Helle!! I am thankful of having such great friends :) < Yes I am smiling like a Cheshire cat :) Hugs to you both and thank you so much for just being you :)Xx
DeleteHappy new year to you my crazy, fun friend! Thank you for including me and here's to another year of writing and laughter!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lahongrais, I wouldn't forget you my sweet friend :) I hope this year will be like that, but it hasn't started off that way.Not to worry you know me, I rise above all dramas ;) X