Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour Big Giveaway!! Red Alert NC-17! Coming soon, please join us on this big event ;)!
Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour Big Giveaway!
Red Alert NC-17
But things have taken a huge turn around on this tour, with me now being in my own hot seat this time! CR Haitt and Dawn Torrens will be doing the interview, these two ladies really did put me to the test!!
This time I am the victim with one funny Deliciously Scandalous interview coming your way! We have prizes to be won from the authors and myself that are involved! There are signed books up for grabs, Audio books to be won, and free ebooks to download, and also many price drops in many other books, but above all that you get to sit back and relax and have a lot of fun at the same time reading this revenge interview! We hope to see you for the final interview of the year, this is the big event, the mother of all mothers some would say! We don’t have any fireworks to let off, but we have loads of books, and smiles to blast out there! Oh and prizes too of course ;) Please feel free to invite your friends for this one off awesome event.
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to see you all for the big event :)
And don't forget about the, Give A Book Campaign, by Marta Morgan Bishop.
Here's a little more about that campaign and of course Marta :)
This is just a little recap from my last interview. Do you all remember the lovely author, Marta Morgan Bishop I was telling you about? You know the, Give a book campaign, that's going on at the moment. I was moved the first time around when I had seen Marta's work, but watching them all moved me even more! The creativity of the animation is beautiful and I wanted to share a little about Marta, just my little way of saying thank you. I know all the other authors involved are feeling the same way as I do. These are some of Marta's video's that moved me, once you watch them you will see why! The Give A Book Campaign is an excellent idea if you have the talent to make these videos. I can honestly say I have know Idea and wouldn't know where to start! Really this woman has talent :) Thank you Marta for including me in this campaign.
You can learn so much more about, Marta Moran Bishop, by visiting, Marta's Facebook page and website, please don't take my word on how great this lady is, please do drop by and see for yourself :)
Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour has it's own Facebook page for all my wonderful authors, please show your support and press that little like button, you all know its appreciated. Thank you :)
For more information, please visit my website:
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