A start!: The lovely author, Scarlett Flame is my thirteenth...

A start!: The lovely author, Scarlett Flame is my thirteenth...: New author in the place!! This lady rocks in ever department!! The lovely author, Scarlett Flame is my thirteenth guest on my 'Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour'. This lady writes erotica, so be warned!
New author in the place!! This lady rocks in ever department!!
Thank you for joining me once again on my 'Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour'. I do have another awesome guest joining me very soon. Now this lady is hot and I will tell you now there will be no holding back with this interview. 'Giggles'. Scarlett Flame, sure does live up to her name. If you like erotica, then you will love this lady... Ouch!!! I can't wait till she arrives, but be warned, if you can't stand the heat or you do get easily offended, all I can say is... Sorry... But the show has to go on, 'Giggles'. Wait I can see her now walking towards the office... Wow look at that hair... I wonder if downstairs matches the top... "Hey Scarlett, I must say you are looking hot. I thought my virtual car park was on fire, but it was the sun reflecting of your hair, when the wind hit it, it looked amazing... It's true what they say, a good blowing never hurt anyone, 'Giggles'. It's really great to have you here. Can you tell my readers a little bit about yourself as I roll my tongue back in? .......... http://kswarbrick.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/the-lovely-author-scarlett-flame-is-my.html
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