
Never let anyone take away your #dreams,

OK, some of you may know this already, my life has never been easy, and is still by far to this day, but I've learnt so much in these years of writing and studying the path which I choose to take, some haters out there don't like me expressing my feelings and personal life out for other readers to learn and enjoy my work, and hopefully learn a lot along on the way...  My advice for anyone with a dream or a vision of what you want in your life is to never let anyone hold you back, I've had that with so called friends and family on this journey, they couldn't be happy for me or let alone show any support towards anything I was doing! If you have something you want to do and your heart says it's right, don't let no one tell you otherwise... Really I've been in some dark places, but I'm still here to tell them stories, to learn from them dark places.... Unfortunately no matter how hard you try in life, you are always going to get the jealous green

Yes, at last, I am #Interviewing the #award winning #Author, CharityParkerson, on my Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour :-D

Now I know it's been a long time since I have been in my virtual office with any guess. The truth is that I have had so much to deal with in my own life that my interviews was the last thing on my mind...  Anyway, I could go into great detail of what's been going on, but I won't, at least not yet!! You all remember my deliciously scandals blog tour that took the Internet by storm back in 2013-2014. I am pleased to say that I have some more amazing authors and writers coming your way on my tour. For those of you who are not familiar with this tour, please let me enlighten you and give you all a little recap... I wanted an interview that has shown the author's personality and also how well their mind really do work, I wanted a fun interview, an interview that would stretch the authors / writers mind a little further, and to also give the readers a great chance to see the great personality, not to mention their great talent for writing. The inte

#Xfactor or is it the blag #Factor you decide.....

Ok as some of you will know already know this already, but for those who don't, let me give you an update. I went along to the Xfactor with my partner, Jennie, and my mate Chris, I wanted to see how a show like the Xfactor works behind the senses, not to mention the fact that I was already there supporting a true Xfactor star! Really, if you heard my partner sing, you really would know what I'm talking about. Awesome is an understatement!  Anyway, where was I, enough about how great of a singer my partner is, let me talk about the two long days spent on the Xfactor, let's say it was somewhat of an education, one huge eye opener! We did meet some fantastic people and had plenty of laughs along the way.  I would really like to share our experience's with the Xfactor and also my prediction about the Xfactor! As my readers will know from my books, I say that I should have been a detective rather than a decorator… I know that's true, the people around me k

I was ask by the #Awesome #Author, Marta Moran Bishop, to #Answer some #Questions from A to Z

I made a promise to  the awesome author, Marta Moran Bishop, that I would answer these A to Z questions about me as requested on FaceBook, but I thought I would use it as a blog post for everyone to read also. You can find, Marta's work on Amazon, one amazing woman, not to mention one fantastic author, that's really well worth checking out... UK US Well, here goes... A- Age:   I am the big 40 in July... Where have them years gone I do keep asking myself. B- Biggest fear: My biggest fear was losing my Nan, I knew my Nan was the only person that had held the family together, unfortunately I'm living what my fear was! C- Current Time: 00.14 D- Drink you last had: Coffee. E- Easiest person to talk to: Jennie. F- Favorite Song: Cleaning out my closet by,  Eminem. G- Grossest memory: Whatching your mother being beaten by her ex boyfriend as a child! Yes I did jump on him back and wra

#Pain we can never #Lose >> #RealTalk #RealLife > #TrueWords

Pain we can never lose, I thought over the years I had recognized the true meaning of pain, Yes, I have felt the pain beyond pain when it comes to relationships, family's, bully's, Abuse, Homelessness... I could go on, but my words are expressed in my writing, there my memories of all the dark times and great times stay, giving the reader enjoyment from a story that's part of my past that stayed a memory so clear to this day. I thought I was dealt the entire pain card deck, I thought life couldn't make me feel the emotions that I am feeling to this day! They say that when you lose a very close member of your family, time is meant to heal, and sure enough it does, but the pain will always remain there in the back of your mind wanting to jump out at you, anything you hear reminds you of a time that was, you feel your stomach turning, your heart beating faster, and then the tears start to run down your face with flashbacks that can't be replaced, just memories tha

In loving memory of, Hilda Swarbrick, who sadly passed away 29/4/2015

On Friday 29/4/2015 at 9pm, it saddens me to say that my nan, Hilda Swarbick, past away. My nan was 91 years of age, a very independent woman with a heart of gold. I go on about my Grandparents a lot in my life, and I've written about them both in my books.  US UK Anyone who has read my books or even met my grandparents will say the same as I do! They were remarkable kind, loving, respectable people, that never had a bad word to say about anyone, but if they did it wasn't without reason to!  I know I've had had an ear bashing in my time, but them ear bashings, their love and kindness, made me the guy I am today, they both taught me to be strong, never to give up, always except mistakes, treat others how you would want to be treated, don't be afraid of showing your love and expressing yourself, always stay strong and don't worry what others say or think a

A little #poem I have written about #Cancer that will be featured in my new poetry book coming out very soon.

This is a little poem that I've written for my nan, and also for all the other victims that this dreadful disease has taken an impact on.  Cancer A  beating heart that sometimes can’t take the passé, what is it with this dreadful disease in the human race, we lose the ones that we love, and the ones we embrace, it’s all heartbreaking and madness that we do not have enough funds around to wipe out this killer disease from our face! Someone we love and someone we know, would have been brought down by this dreadful disease like so, hurting the ones that we love the most. How can this be, it could live inside you or me as we watch peoples life brought down by such misery, watching the family’s break down over this catastrophe, watching the hurt that this killer disease lies in front of me! Is it because I'm older and wiser, I can see it all around, and now it’s a hidden by fear, that we wish it would be brushed under all towns, something we would rather not know, s

#Flower Blue Rain... What flower represents you?

This post follows my Facebook post where I was asked by the lovely talented, Shelly Lundquist, to find a flower that represents me and also what the flower symbolises. The intention is to fill up Facebook with flowers to break the saturation of negative images and videos that we do stubble across on many timelines...      The flower I chose was a flower called, Blue Rain. How I came across this plant by chance, it was my nan's birthday and I wanted to get her something special, like I always do, but what do you get a lady that has everything including all our love. I normally find her something she would want, like some nightwear for winter and items I know she would use.  On this occasion I hadn't any idea... I'm forever getting my nan flowers, so that wouldn't be anything special in my eyes. Anyway, where was I? Yes, we came across this plant in the flower section when I was doing some shopping with my new partner. We were in a well known supermarket, and I s

Inspirational moments, what do you do with yours?

I don't know if you have read my last post, but thanks to the Brooklyn Foundation I was able to turn my last poem into a great rap song. If you haven't heard that song yet, then please do check it out on SoundCloud   As you know I am all about turning all them negatives in my life into a positive. I have had many ups and downs and not all in the nice way, but its them experience in my life than enabled me to do what I love doing. We all have a story to tell, we all have a song to sing. In my case I went from a guy who had never written anything before and never had time to read due to my hectic lifestyle. My life hasn't been perfect, by far! I have made mistakes and learned from them mistakes, I taught myself the full understanding of life by reaching out to many fantastic people. Louie has Landed 'The Early Days' was a book about passion and love, a story told from the heart the way I was back then, To me this was

#Poems turned into #songs... Where does your #creative mind take you...?

                  Where does your creative mind take you? As you all may be aware, I only started writing at the age of 35 and how I came into writing is explained in the stories which I have written . My writing is all about real life, my life so far! I like to keep all my work as real as I am, and it seems that in all these months I've been dipping my toes in a little bit of everything when it comes to writing. I even did a little presenting for 8 months on Salford City Radio every Saturday with Sarah Jones on her show. I guess it was my way of finding my comfort zone and wanting to try out new things. I feel I have so much that I want to write about with so little time to do it in because of  my full time day job and everyday life. It is hard going, but I do my best in spite of my circumstances! It’s a long story and maybe one I will write about it at a later date! Some of you may be aware that I have wanted to do a poetry book and the poetry book I am now working on