
#Flower Blue Rain... What flower represents you?

This post follows my Facebook post where I was asked by the lovely talented, Shelly Lundquist, to find a flower that represents me and also what the flower symbolises. The intention is to fill up Facebook with flowers to break the saturation of negative images and videos that we do stubble across on many timelines...      The flower I chose was a flower called, Blue Rain. How I came across this plant by chance, it was my nan's birthday and I wanted to get her something special, like I always do, but what do you get a lady that has everything including all our love. I normally find her something she would want, like some nightwear for winter and items I know she would use.  On this occasion I hadn't any idea... I'm forever getting my nan flowers, so that wouldn't be anything special in my eyes. Anyway, where was I? Yes, we came across this plant in the flower section when I was doing some shopping with my new partner. We were in a well known supermarket,...

Inspirational moments, what do you do with yours?

I don't know if you have read my last post, but thanks to the Brooklyn Foundation I was able to turn my last poem into a great rap song. If you haven't heard that song yet, then please do check it out on SoundCloud   As you know I am all about turning all them negatives in my life into a positive. I have had many ups and downs and not all in the nice way, but its them experience in my life than enabled me to do what I love doing. We all have a story to tell, we all have a song to sing. In my case I went from a guy who had never written anything before and never had time to read due to my hectic lifestyle. My life hasn't been perfect, by far! I have made mistakes and learned from them mistakes, I taught myself the full understanding of life by reaching out to many fantastic people. Louie has Landed 'The Early Days' was a book about passion and love, a story told from the heart the way I was back then, To me this was ...

#Poems turned into #songs... Where does your #creative mind take you...?

                  Where does your creative mind take you? As you all may be aware, I only started writing at the age of 35 and how I came into writing is explained in the stories which I have written . My writing is all about real life, my life so far! I like to keep all my work as real as I am, and it seems that in all these months I've been dipping my toes in a little bit of everything when it comes to writing. I even did a little presenting for 8 months on Salford City Radio every Saturday with Sarah Jones on her show. I guess it was my way of finding my comfort zone and wanting to try out new things. I feel I have so much that I want to write about with so little time to do it in because of  my full time day job and everyday life. It is hard going, but I do my best in spite of my circumstances! It’s a long story and maybe one I will write about it at a later date! Some of you may be aware that I have wanted to do a poetry...

The Ice Bucket Challenge... With a huge difference... I need your help here please.... #Charity #Love #Kindness #Respect

                            It's freezing... I need your help Some of you may already be aware that there is a new craze going around in the social media world called the Ice Bucket Water Challenge. This challenge is to raise money for charity, and it is for a great cause unlike the pointless, Neck Nomination! Yes I did say pointless! You get drunk; you face death with alcohol poisoning, not to mention all the other Pointless stuff after that, plus one bad head in the morning. What could that possibly gain for you other than looking like a tit on line? My point too, it's Pointless, not to mention you had me wanting a beer on a school night... Not good man! Anyway, where was I? Yes the Ice Bucket Challenge isn't pointless and it is to raise money for charity, and not money for the next big piss up with your mates! Really I watched some of them videos and as Shania Twain would say, "It don't impress me much!" I...

‪#‎MondayBlogs‬ > I was asked by, Marta Moran Bishop, to answer some questions, and also tag three other authors... Here goes!

I was  honoured  when I was asked to answer some questions by the wonderful, awesome author, Marta Moran Bishop.  I must say, in all the time I have known Marta, she is one of the nicest ladies I have had the pleasure of chatting with. Not only does Marta have a heart of gold, but she also has many talents and not just in her writing. There is so much to Marta that you will be amazed. This is one lady well worth checking out, but please don't just take my word for it, see for yourself by checking out the links below: My name is Kevin Swarbrick. I ’m in my late thirties and now live in Manchester, UK. All my life I have had many ups and downs continuing to this day, but that’s another story!! When I first started writing at the age of 35 I really had no idea that this talent was there until it was point...