A poem called guidance.

It's fathers day, this is the time of year when you show your appreciation to the best dad in the world for always being there as a great role model and a best friend throughout your entire life... What do you think fathers day is about? Fathers day is about appreciation of the best role model in your life that will stick with you thick and thin for the rest of his life, who will help you when you're down, who will guide you on the right path and support all that you do. A father who sees a problem and makes things right, a father you can you can trust 100%. The kind of father that worries about these children and have to call them to see if they're ok. The fathers who will protect their children from a bullet. The kind of father that goes on adventures and when you're older you have a pint and your child is proud of the role model you have become! A father who will takes time out and cross many hills just to say hello without excesses! The kind of father who gives u...