The lovely author, Regina Puckett is my fourteenth awesome guest on my, 'Deliciously Scandalous Blog Tour'.

My next guest is a huge inspiration to me and also a great friend here in my cyber world. I can always tell a good person from a bad, and I will tell you now this lady has a huge heart of gold and is one talented lady. When the chips have been down for me, and trust me I have had a very bumpy ride, I know I can count on her words of wisdom to pick me back up again. I won't beat around the bush, I have done too much of that in my time, but they do make awesome stories, that's if you can handle a heatwave 'Giggles' Anyway I best introduce my mum to you all! No she isn't really, but I do call her that on twitter and Facebook, but if she was, I know she would be my perfect mother! Stop looking at me and rolling your eyes back, I will get on with the interview! Shhhh! Don't say a word... My next guest is the awesome author, Regina Puckett all the way from Tennessee, where she lives with her husband and has two grown up daughters, one I call my Sis; yes, the...