
Love Is?

                                                 Love Is? In this poem, I explore the idea that love is not just a source of joy, but also a force that can drive us to the brink of despair. It's a reminder that love is not always easy or simple, It's a powerful emotion that can take us on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Yer, despite its challenges, love remains a fundamental part of the human experience, It's a force that connects us, that makes life worth living, and that ultimately brings us together. Through the lines of this poem, I invite readers to reflect on their own relationships and the the role that love plays in their lives. Whether it's the gentle touch of a partner, the supportive words of a friend, or the unbreakable bond with a family member, love takes many forms, And each form is worth celebrating, even when it's complicated. As we navigate the journey of love, let's remenber to cherish the moments of joy and learn from the times of sorrow,

The Unknown Earths Last Chance.

                           The Unknown Earths Last Chance When Mark and his friends decided to have some fun by playing in a dam, they had no idea they were embarking on the most incredible journey of their lives. Every day was a wild and crazy adventure, fighting the dangers that they had to face in a desperate quest to find their parents, but this quest became a desperate battle to save the world and to survive. On their journey, they encountered many different races: lizard people, Bat people, Clones, Snake creatures, Mutants, and much more. Every day they were finding something new and meeting new races, along with some elites; there was nothing they didn’t face on their journey. Mark’s desperate attempt to save his brother and sister from any harm became a battle of survival in a world of darkness. The battle for a one-world galaxy government left many races on different planets wanting to survive. Earth was already on the verge of destruction by the powers that ruled the worl

Embracing Your Strength In The Dark Times.

Embracing your strength in the dark time.  In life's intricate tapestry. there are moments when the shadows loom, and we often find ourselves navigating through the darkest of times. It is during these moments that inner strength is tested. As we collectively face unprecedented changes on a global scale, it is paramount to remember that strength, unity, and hope can illuminate even the darkest of times. Dark times come in various forms, them forms can range from, struggles, global crises, or the convergence of both. It could be the loss of a loved one, financial hardship, health concerns, or the emotional toll of witnessing a world in turmoil. Whatever the circumstances, these moments can be overwhelming, leaving us grappling with fear, uncertainty, and despair and can be very hard to deal with on your own.  As I have learn't from past experiences, be kind on yourself. Focus on your struggles without judgment. Allow time so you can heal, grieve and let it all go, only when will

Unveiling the Resilience of the Unloved Soul: Navigating Loss and Loneliness

                                                                       Introduction.  Life can be a journey marked by trials, triumphs and transformation. For some, it's a relentless battle to find light in the shadows. To try and to discover beauty in the depths in the pain, and to thrive in the face of adversity. This blog post delves into the profound emotions that surround loss, the enduring strength of the human spirit, and the unique challenges faced by those who've grown up without the love of their parents.  Loss: A Universal Experience  Loss is a universal part of life's experiences. It can manifest in many forms, from the passing of a love one to the dissolution of relationships, the loss of dramas, or the absence of nurturing love in a childhood Each of these forms of loss shapes us, leaves its indelible mark and offers opportunities for growth. The Power of Resilience Resilience, the capacity of withstand adversity and emerge stronger, is formidable force. Those

My new Book is now out.

New Books at long last. As my readers know, I only started writing in my thirties, reading and writing wasn't something  I was great at, I reached out to certain people who I thought were friends, only they had different intentions!  There's been that much that has gone on to the point my health came before anything else. When you see others try to steal your hard work and try to put a copy right claim on my work, well those are the kind of people I have been dealing with over many years. I actually watched all this happen including online with the uploads of my Novel's in someone else's name on Amazon! This is clearly someone who has had copies of my work or obtained then some other way! When I first started to write, I gave copies out to many people in order for an honest review all them years ago, I even had my work on an ex's computer that shouldn't be stored on there whatsoever!   There loads going on, but I am taking this as a learning curve, I know my wor

A poem called guidance.

It's fathers day, this is the time of year when you show your appreciation to the best dad in the world for always being there as a great role model and a best friend throughout your entire life... What do you think fathers day is about?  Fathers day is about appreciation of the best role model in your life that will stick with you thick and thin for the rest of his life, who will help you when you're down, who will guide you on the right path and support all that you do. A father who sees a problem and makes things right, a father you can you can trust 100%.  The kind of father that worries about these children and have to call them to see if they're ok. The fathers who will protect their children from a bullet. The kind of father that goes on adventures and when you're older you have a pint and your child is proud of the role model you have become!  A father who will takes time out and cross many hills just to say hello without excesses! The kind of father who gives u

#RealLife #RealTalk My love goes out to my grandparents always. My memories will always live on.

Once again I have managed to turn my Poetry into awesome positive dance/rap songs with my partner Jennie Bonita. My poetry book I have written is a dedication to the best grandparents any child could have wished for. Those memory's I will always treasure.  I've now turned them memories into something creative and positive with the help of top vocalist Jennie Bonita for the world to enjoy and share their love as they did with me. My poems cover a wide range of topics, including cancer, terrorist, love, passion, money, loneliness, and a lot more, if you want vulgar, you really do have the wrong book and the wrong music to go with it :) 'Just Saying!' In my heart, I know my Nan and Granddad would be very proud of what me and Jennie are achieving and that's all that matters to me, my Nan adored Jennie, and I know my Granddad would have to if he had ever met her, God bless them both. Their hearts played massive role in my life, if it wasn't

#RealLife #RealTalk... Critic's by FATE

#RealLife #RealTalk > #Word >  In life we all do learn a lot, we all make mistakes, we all have friends and family that will betray us at some point, 'Sad, but very true!' but forget all that negative #*\#!!!  When you learn how to love, how to have compassion, how to have morals and respect, how to understand, how to be honest, how to feel another person's pain, how to be trustworthy, how to accept your wrongs and make them wrongs right, how to survive huge ordeals and still and still carry on even though your head is battered and your mind is all over the place, but yet you still have the strength to carry on by never giving up on your inner self. Let me tell you, once you recognize the above and been there through them roller coaster emotions, well, that's when you know you are one truly amazing, awesome person, and no matter what, no one can ever take that away from you. Of course people will always be critics, 'Some good, some bad!' s

After the horrific Paris attacks, we came together to bring you FATE, a new positive beat on the street.

After the horrific Paris attacks, myself and my partner came together and started to record our very own positive dance tunes, we wanted to bring the positivity  back into a world  that was looking so grim.  I had my own little world going on inside my head, including the loss of my nan who was a huge inspiration to me, my nan was no normal nan that you visited once a week, she was a great friend and a mother figure to me. I was already writing my poetry book when we  decided to take on a new challenge and after being let down on the music side in the past, we thought it would be great to create our own, we decided to go ahead with the idea, we was now  making music from the knowledge that we have learnt on this roller coster of a journey, we now had the power and freedom to take control over our creation, we didn't just stop at the Paris attacks, we also went on to create some awesome music out of my book, Cool Blue Poetry.  Cool Blue Poetry is dedication to my grandp

Positive energy for the new year, wishing you all an amazing 2016.

I hope that everyone has had a great Christmas, its now time for a new year filled with positive energy. I must admit I have needed that energy too. I've been very busy working on many different things at this end to keep the positive energy alive inside us all. Since being away from my blog post, I've been creating my own music. I have now completed 25 tracks on my own that you can listen to on Soundcloud for now... After the horrific Paris attracts, me and my partner, who happens to be a top vocalist, decided to team up together, me with my rapping, Jennie with the singing. We wanted our own unique dance tunes leaving the listener hopefully with a positive message.  We have now completed 28 tracks together with plenty more on there way, as fate brought us together, fate lead me to my writing, fate also lead me into song writing. Yes, we are now called, fate :) Some of our songs are out of my poetry book that I have dedicated to my grandparents,