I was ask by the #Awesome #Author, Marta Moran Bishop, to #Answer some #Questions from A to Z

I made a promise to the awesome author, Marta Moran Bishop, that I would answer these A to Z questions about me as requested on FaceBook, but I thought I would use it as a blog post for everyone to read also. You can find, Marta's work on Amazon, one amazing woman, not to mention one fantastic author, that's really well worth checking out... UK http://amzn.to/1HosOaT US http://amzn.to/1NYcgbh Well, here goes... A- Age: I am the big 40 in July... Where have them years gone I do keep asking myself. B- Biggest fear: My biggest fear was losing my Nan, I knew my Nan was the only person that had held the family together, unfortunately I'm living what my fear was! C- Current Time: 00.14 D- Drink you last had: Coffee. E- Easiest person to talk to: Jennie. F- Favorite Song: Cleaning out my closet by, Eminem. G- Grossest memory: Whatching your mother being beaten by her ex boyfriend as a chil...