Never let anyone take away your #dreams,

OK, some of you may know this already, my life has never been easy, and is still by far to this day, but I've learnt so much in these years of writing and studying the path which I choose to take, some haters out there don't like me expressing my feelings and personal life out for other readers to learn and enjoy my work, and hopefully learn a lot along on the way... My advice for anyone with a dream or a vision of what you want in your life is to never let anyone hold you back, I've had that with so called friends and family on this journey, they couldn't be happy for me or let alone show any support towards anything I was doing! If you have something you want to do and your heart says it's right, don't let no one tell you otherwise... Really I've been in some dark places, but I'm still here to tell them stories, to learn from them dark places.... Unfortunately no matter how hard you try in life, you are always going to get the jealous green ...