The Ice Bucket Challenge... With a huge difference... I need your help here please.... #Charity #Love #Kindness #Respect

It's freezing... I need your help Some of you may already be aware that there is a new craze going around in the social media world called the Ice Bucket Water Challenge. This challenge is to raise money for charity, and it is for a great cause unlike the pointless, Neck Nomination! Yes I did say pointless! You get drunk; you face death with alcohol poisoning, not to mention all the other Pointless stuff after that, plus one bad head in the morning. What could that possibly gain for you other than looking like a tit on line? My point too, it's Pointless, not to mention you had me wanting a beer on a school night... Not good man! Anyway, where was I? Yes the Ice Bucket Challenge isn't pointless and it is to raise money for charity, and not money for the next big piss up with your mates! Really I watched some of them videos and as Shania Twain would say, "It don't impress me much!" I...