#MondayBlogs > I was asked by, Marta Moran Bishop, to answer some questions, and also tag three other authors... Here goes!

I was honoured when I was asked to answer some questions by the wonderful, awesome author, Marta Moran Bishop. I must say, in all the time I have known Marta, she is one of the nicest ladies I have had the pleasure of chatting with. Not only does Marta have a heart of gold, but she also has many talents and not just in her writing. There is so much to Marta that you will be amazed. This is one lady well worth checking out, but please don't just take my word for it, see for yourself by checking out the links below: http://www.martamoranbishop.com/blog-tours/my-writing-process-monday-blogs http://www.martamoranbishop.com/ http://www.martambishop.blogspot.com/ My name is Kevin Swarbrick. I ’m in my late thirties and now live in Manchester, UK. All my life I have had many ups and downs continuing to this day, but that’s another story!! When I first started writing at the age of 35 I really had no idea that this talent was there until it was point...