Download and have a good laugh at these funny, sexy stories. 'Turkey Slap' is yours to download for free! TurkeySlap WINNERS! 1st place- Ben Ditmars 2nd- Kate Davidson 3rd- Ava Loengard 4th- Helle Gade 5th-Kevin Swarbrick Congratulations to the winners :) http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/250379#longdescr The Four Whips, otherwise known as Melissa Craig, Dionne Lister, Amber Norgarrd, and Charity Parkerson present Turkey Slap 2012. Turkey Slap: The act of playfully slapping someone with an erect or semi-erect penis. Entries were collected for erotic short stories containing a Turkey Slap and the best of those stories were added to this free book for our reader’s pleasure. Please enjoy and then check out each author’s additional Ben Ditmars- http://niceoldspice.blogspot.com/ Charity Parkerson http://www.charityparkerson.com Kate Davidson- Look for this awesome author soon Melissa Craig- http://melissacraigauthor.wordp...