
Showing posts from 2011

I want to give you all a good idea what my novel is about :)

Introduction. The book I have wrote is based on a true story with all the ins and outs of what happens when people have affairs. Does it work out and do you get your man or your woman at the end of it all? Some people go into affairs without knowing and others go in knowing that the other person is married. Some people make up stories because they seek the attention and some just do it for the fun of not getting caught. Some do it because it’s just sex and others do it because they are confused. Sometimes two people just fall for each other and don’t know how to pull away because of the chemistry and the passion and the love that’s involved. This story tells the secrets of things that happen behind closed doors. Whatever the reason for affairs, it does happen every day with people that you wouldn’t think twice are doing it. With society the way it is today, it seems to be a case of ‘if you get bored then you have an affair!’ I am a single guy of 30 something and yes, I have been marri...

Number 1

Hey. Just letting you all know I've started my own blog to keep you all updated on the progress of my first (as yet untitled!!!) book.  It's based on true events that happened and, so far, I've generated a lot of interest from both my friends and.. total strangers. I'll keep you updated as I'm working hard to finish it now. Not long to go :) Cheers Kev