The Ice Bucket Challenge... With a huge difference... I need your help here please.... #Charity #Love #Kindness #Respect

                            It's freezing... I need your help

Some of you may already be aware that there is a new craze going around in the social media world called the Ice Bucket Water Challenge. This challenge is to raise money for charity, and it is for a great cause unlike the pointless, Neck Nomination! Yes I did say pointless! You get drunk; you face death with alcohol poisoning, not to mention all the other Pointless stuff after that, plus one bad head in the morning. What could that possibly gain for you other than looking like a tit on line? My point too, it's Pointless, not to mention you had me wanting a beer on a school night... Not good man!

Anyway, where was I? Yes the Ice Bucket Challenge isn't pointless and it is to raise money for charity, and not money for the next big piss up with your mates! Really I watched some of them videos and as Shania Twain would say, "It don't impress me much!" I didn't think the Ice Bucket Challenge would, but in fact it does, only for the simple fact that it's to raise money for a great cause and not for someone's own stupidity! No offence to anyone who did do the Neck Nomination, that's your own choice and we are all happy you had a great time...!

Now this is how the Ice Bucket Challenge works... If a person that has been nominated and prefers not to do the challenge and does not do the challenge, then they have to donate £100 to the charity of the person's choice who nominated them. Whoever has been nominated will have his or her last words when they nominate ten other people before being drowned with an icy cold bucket of water and ice poured slowly over their head! I know it sounds crazy, but that's the craze at the moment and unfortunately for me I did get nominated for this challenge, so I wanted to do a little more than just be giving £10 to charity after being drowned!

Well like I said I do want to do my part now that, Neil Massy, has nominated me. Normally you only a time span of 48 hours, but Neil was kind enough to give me a little more time knowing what a busy man I am and also knowing that I want to do a little more to try and raise donations. I decided to open a page for the charity of my choice. I know when I do my nominations the page will still stay open for anyone to still donate, I will do my best to come up with some crazy ideas myself such as this one I will be doing!

Yes, I will be doing this challenge in my birthday suit, 'OK I will be wearing shorts!' I could face a heart attack and maybe even death, but still it's for a great cause... 'His famous last words!' I could tell you what I am going to do, but unless I raise a lot of money for charity,  I wont be fulfilling my idea, really what would be the point of facing death for £50? Actually there isn't any, just like the Neck Nomination... Pointless!

Here's what I will do if you can help me raise say, £500 then I will tell you my idea, not to mention me doing the challenge where it will be posted on YouTube and other social media sites, 'Now what a tit I'm going to look like, still no alcohol needed!'  I know £500 isn't enough for the dangers involved... Heart attack or possible death, now that's without a pint! Still it's for a great cause...

The charity I have chosen is, St. Ann's Hospice based in my home town of Salford, England. They provide care and support to people with terminal illnesses. It is difficult having a terminal illness without support. St Ann's Hospice offers support for them and their family's in the Greater Manchester area.This is all through the generosity of supporters like you. All the care that is provided is free of charge and it really does make a difference to the terminally ill and their families.

Please help me in this endeavour for it could just as easily be you but I hope and pray that it never will be.
I hope we all live a long healthy life but we never know from one day to the next what will happen.
Let's be there for the people who need our help and support at this very moment. Thank you for whatever can do to help me reach my goal. I can't do this alone; I need your help and support. God bless...


I would like to thank; Martine Dodd, Katie Masson, Kim Stapf, Kelly Rollond, Kate Spencer, for their generous donations. I would also like to thank a great friend, Edie Mosback, and Jennie Bonita, for helping me put this together.... I wont say what I have planed, but trust me Edie knows and thinks it's an awesome idea... Please share and try to help the donations coming in. I want to do this challenge as much as you want to see what I have in mind!!

Thank you all for your support. God Bless.


  1. Good luck my sexy friend!! Can't wait to see what you and Edie have in mind.

    1. Thank you Kim, and thank you so much for the kind donation. I know you're going love what we have in mind... :) x


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